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Dear Mighty Warriors,
We are contacting you from the National call that we do daily at 2:22 EST from the Josiah Company.
I am sending you some information of some prophetic words and activities that are being called for in this hour that need to be mobilized in each State. Below you will find a link to a message that Dutch Sheets and Tim Sheets had last Friday night, June 16, 2023, in Ohio at The Hub. Also, a word that Chuck had in Atlanta at CityGate last November. Chuck also decreed into our Canadian border last Sunday, June 18, 2023, at Glory of Zion. Those words and the link are listed below.
All borders of your State need to be anointed, but the first needs to be our Canadian Border. Please try to bring together all the different prayer networks in your State to help in this. This is not about one group, it is about the whole State and is a Kingdom initiative. Please let me know what you are doing and when. Also let us know when it has been completed by email and we will post on the website, Please contact me if I can help you in any way.
Encourage others to come along side. You can contact HAPN at and find out who the leader is. There will be contact information. You can Google Cindy Jacobs and click on Reformation Prayer Network and find the State leader for her network. There will be contact information on the site for the leader. Google, Christian Harvest International and see if there is a SPAN leader in your State. Contact Aglow leaders and Chapters in your State to ask them to help. Other networks are: Intercessors for America, some networks are local or Statewide that would be peculiar to your State but would be helpful if asked. Please be sure and invite all ethnicities, this is for all of us where we live in community in our State.
Chuck’s word from November 4, 2022, at CityGate Atlanta regarding the North: “Finally Lord, you brought us here to activate the Government of Heaven that has surrounded this nation. It's because God showed me you, Atlanta, as a ruling governmental city for the future. Father, we ask you right now, set the Angels around this nation on alert. Father set the Angels around this nation on alert. We cry out from this city. And we say set the Angels around this nation on alert. Now, when we said that I saw something coming toward from the north toward this nation. And the Lord says you have called and set them on alert and that which is coming from the north now toward this nation will be thwarted, saith the Lord.”
Chuck Pierce released a word June 18, 2023 regarding the Northern states of our nation. He said:
"All of you turn NORTH. Point your hand north. To those on our Norther Border: Set a Blood Line and Set the Fire of God, because in the NORTH there is a Movement to Try to Quench what Would Happen in This Nation. And I say to you, in the NORTH, you are being Blocked from Coming in, to bring destruction. I say a FIRE and BLOOD will now be the NORTH BORDER of The United States.”
Dutch Sheets spoke June 16, 2023 at Oasis Church in Ohio referencing Gina Gholston's dream about "Command the Foreword" and God is setting things in order by September for how He will move next in our nation.
Please read the Cape Henry Declaration as well as the Declaration of our Dependence on the Lord. Station the Watchman angels on every border and anoint with oil and make declarations as the Lord speaks to you. Be sensitive in the Spirit and hear what He is directing you to do to secure your boundaries.
Thank you for all you do! We are praying for each team as you begin to come together State-wide. Bow to the greater anointing and the greater vision as you come together. Everyone has a gift and a role, wise leaders use all the gifts in the State to accomplish all the Lord asks. He is the great provider for us all.
Anne S Tate
International Director of Prayer and the Watches
Glory of Zion, International
Apostolic Watchman
OFFICE: +1 940.382.7231
EMAIL: [email protected]
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