1 Samuel 22
Prophetic Word given by Clay Nash December 4, 2022 NEI Convocation 1 Samuel 22
I heard the Lord say, “Speak to the leaders that you will not find your mighty men, helpers of the war, if you only see this distressment, their debt and their discontentment. If you will look at them and see,” the Lord says, “see who I have called them to be, they will become.” The Lord also says to the leaders here “For the past 50 years the focus has been on ministry, ministry, ministry,” but the Lord said, “I’m shifting - finally able to shift - from a ministry focus to a company focus. “ And the Lord said, “Every leader, if you’ll begin to focus on the company of mighty helpers of the war that I want to draw to you and get your eyes off the ministry that is focused around you, I will change this nation,” says the Lord. “For I will work in the midst to draw unto you as a leader those that have been rejected by the leaders that are insecure in this nation.” The Lord said, “Watch and see what I’m about to do. You will find it very interesting over the next 5 years the word that will be heard will not be hubs, it’s going to be companies of people. Companies of people.” And the Lord said, “I have seen among those that are hearing, the greatest formation of My Body coming together in the last 3 years but even greater, greater, greater fitting together, bones coming together, is ahead. “But you must see yourself,” says the Lord, “that will find your company of people that you will become a captain, a person of authority over them and you will teach them how to find THEIR company, who will become captain over them,” and the Lord said, “The healers for the war are coming forth in this time.” |